The “Hottest” Eco Log Supplier Around!

Welcome to Sunny Logs

Premium Eco log Supplier in Salisbury

Sunny Logs is a local family business (women led!) who supply eco-friendly quality fuel logs within 10 miles of  Salisbury.

As part of our sustainable journey we only sell 100% British ECO LOGS – made from sustainable
wood from FSC® responsibly-managed forests 

The best thing about this change is that; Eco logs are hotter, cleaner, drier, longer burning and more economical than even kiln dried logs! Last couple of years, there has been an immense increase in demand for logs across UK and Europe. It’s not brain science to see this will have negative impact on forests, even if they are so called ‘FCS sustainably managed & sourced’…Sunny Logs simply do not want to be part of this environmental problem anymore, hence we choose Eco Logs! We have also teamed up with a Wiltshire based supplier of quality kindling – made locally using recycled wood!

No more trees being felled specifically to make firewood or kindling, no more imports and re-usage of a waste product! We hope you embrace our choice and want to join this eco-approach!

A load of 20 packs (200kg) Ecologs DELIVERED starts at £149. So, £7.45/pack which is a BETTER DEAL than both Super markets and hardware shops for equivalent quality logs!

We are delighted to announce we have found a British quality producer, sourcing local FCS certified virgin waste wood chips. While we are awaiting our supplier’s paper bag machine, logs are still packed in plastic bags. Please do recycle these at a soft plastic recycle station such as Tesco’s.

We know the importance of quality heat fuel – We have been active in the wood burning industry for over 10 years; Does “Heart of the Home Ltd.” woodburner installations ring a bell?

Yes, that’s us – Sunny Logs are part of Heart of the Home woodburner installations. The log lady Sophia and Sunny dog will make sure to provide you with the best of British Eco briquettes!

Trust us, we know the kind of fuel that burns best in your woodburner to guarantee blazing heat output and ultimate satisfaction! Of course, we only offer sustainable, 100% British, very hot, Eco briquettes!

The Perfect Sunny load of Eco Briquettes!

Eco log bags with Free Delivery within 10 miles of Salisbury

We like to keep it simple, and we are proud to present our one and only product ‘the Sunny load’ It consists of 20 individual bags of Eco Logs delivered in a dumpy bag. Total weight is 200kg = 20bags of 10kg including 6 logs (1.68kg each).  Generating excellent heat with an attractive flame, you can expect an active burn time of 1.5 – 2 hours. The unique square shape is practical and popular because it stops the heat log from rolling on the fire. Because they’re easy to break they can be used on all sizes of stove or open fire.

Each logs is cut into 28-29 cm but we recommend to break them into 2- 4 smaller chunks. Moisture content is lower than 10%.  Eco briquettes are much hotter, cleaner, longer burning and more economical than traditional logs. They really are great value for money and a great environmental choice!

Sunny Logs provide free delivery within 10 miles around Salisbury! Check out the map to see if we operate in your area. We serve up to 15 miles, but there is a £15 delivery charge. See map

Sales of local Kindling

As the eco logs need a sufficient hot fire to get them going we have teamed up with a local kindling supplier! A good kindling fire will be enough to get your eco logs burning! We offer kindling in net bags, kiln dried and cut in small pieces for best quality. It weights around 4kg – Locally made and great quality. NEW: we now collect your empty kindling bag to be reused!

Eco logs offer a great value, clean and convenient alternative to traditional firewood. They have a much higher calorific value (4.8 kWh/kg) than traditional logs. 

Briquettes deliver greater energy due to their lower moisture content and greater density, which makes them the ultimate contender for high value heat generation.  And most important, as it burns hot, it emits less particles helping to control air pollution…

Our eco logs are perfectly dry at <10% we already comply with DEFRA’s Clean Air Strategy which plans to phase out the sale of wet wood (> 20% moisture) from 2021 to tackle air pollution.

Ready to Burn is a UK Government certification that means that the heat logs have passed rigorous chemical analyses and meet FSC standards. So you can rest assured that they are safe, sustainable and clean-burning.

The briquettes do not contain additives or chemicals. Made from pure, untreated wood by-product, only compression alone holds them together.

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ECO Logs – sustainable and low-carbon, using a pure wood waste product  – that’s the way forward!

Sustainability is very important for us and we are delighted to announce that our manufacturer of Eco Briquettes are exceptionally environmental friendly! They are producing a great quality product while working hard on keeping their carbon footprint to a minimum. Sustainability and keeping on track to reach the climate goals are top priority for us.

We guarantee that all our eco briquettes comes from 100% virgin wood residue (no additives what so ever!) from British sawmill activity. This means that trees are not having to be felled specifically to make firewood. The sawmill activity wood comes from sustainably managed UK forests and is FSC certified. This means the forest is managed to ensure they meet the highest environmental and social standards. Over 90% of our manufacture’s raw material comes from Sawmills within 40 miles of their drying and manufacturing plants.

Eco logs are friendly to the environment with less CO² emissions than other forms of heating. Moisture content is lower than 10% meaning they burn very hot so it emits less particles helping to control air pollution…Sunny logs are proud to offer a cosy, but also climate smart source of energy.

Also, our kindling bags are locally made using recycled pallets 😉

Sunny Logs also support the woodland trust charity. We believe their work to conserve, protect and restore ancient woodland as well as planting new trees in crucial to ensure the preservation of our forests for future generations.

<10 % Moisture Content

Less moisture content is the key to quality hot blazing fire! The Eco logs are at <10% and can be burnt immediately. They are certified with Woodsure’s ‘Ready to burn’.


Energy Efficient

Eco logs has very high calorific value ‘energy output’ as less energy is required to burn off moisture, leaving more energy to be converted into heat. Burns with intense heat of around 4.8kWh/kg.

Cost Efficient

Eco logs burn hotter, more efficiently and longer so you use less logs to achieve the same heat output as traditional and even kiln dried logs. with annual saving of 40% compared to traditional logs.

The impressiveness of Eco briquettes comes down to pure physics of its manufacturing.

Good For Chimneys - Less Maintenance

Eco logs burn at higher temperatures, any water and sap retained in the wood are burned off, thus low in smoke. This will prevent an build-up of soot and tar in the flue which are costly to deal with and could cause chimney fires.

Environment Friendly

Eco logs are made of 100% virgin wood chips waste (no additives) from British sawmills. The wood is locally sourced from the production site and come from FSC certified forests. Eco logs emits less smoke, hence less pollutants into the air than traditional logs. They are a very climate smart way to heat our homes compared to purposely felling forests for imported firewood or using fossil fuels.